Glendell Mine

Glendell Mine

Glencore is a diversified natural resource company with a global reach. The Company has diversified operations of more than 150 mining and metallur...

Glencore is a diversified natural resource company with a global reach. The Company has diversified operations of more than 150 mining and metallurgical sites, offshore oil production assets, farms and agricultural facilities and employs approximately 190,000 people, including contractors.

In Australia, we originate, produce, store, handle and transport coal, copper, nickel, zinc and a range of agricultural commodities such as wheat, canola and barley. 

We are Australia’s largest coal producer with 11 mining complexes across Queensland and NSW, managing the production of 74.2 million tonnes of thermal and coking coal in 2012.  

All coal operations actively engage with their local communities, guided by principles laid out in a social involvement plan that aims to ensure each site makes a positive contribution to the community in which it operates. “Under our Corporate Social Involvement program, Glencore’s Coal Assets Australia supports 50 projects and partnerships in key community areas such as health, enterprise, job creation, environment, education, arts and culture.”

Glendell Mine

Glendell Mine is 100% owned by Glencore and forms part of the Mt Owen Complex, which is comprised of Glendell Mine, Mt Owen Mine and the Coal Handling and Preparation Plant.  Coal mined from the Glendell mine is fed to the 14.5 million tonne per annum capacity plant, with product being railed to the port of Newcastle for export.

  Glendell Mine, commenced operations in 2008, and this year celebrated its 5th year.  The open cut mine is located at Ravensworth in the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales approximately 25 kilometres northwest of Singleton, 26 kilometres southeast of Muswellbrook.  The mine will produce in the order of 7 million ROM tonnes in 2013, utilizing conventional hydraulic backhoe excavators and Cat 793 and 789 dump trucks.  The mine employs approximately 330 full time employees and contractors working a 24 x 7 day rotating roster.

Sustainability: Health and Safety

In the area of health and safety management, Glendell Mine has been proactive in implementing the Glencore initiative called “Safe Coal”.  “Safe Coal is aimed at eliminating fatalities within our business and reducing our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates” Watts said.  The Glendell Team has delivered a 75% improvement on its Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate from 2012 to 2013, down from 10 to 2.5.  This has been achieved through alignment to the Safe Coal “Fatal Hazard Protocols”, proactive injury management practices and active participation in behavioural safety by everyone on site.   Glendell Mine was one of the first mine sites to participate in the Minerals Safety Advisory Council (MSAC) benchmarking study, looking at safety culture within the coal mining industry and identifying key areas for continuous improvement.  The study consisted of a workplace survey which assessed maturity levels around priority given to safety, worker commitment to safety, communication of safety etc.

Sustainability: Environment and Community

Operating in the Hunter Valley, Glendell Mine is focused upon many aspects of environmental management including air quality, water, noise, blasting, rehabilitation etc.  Industry-leading management techniques and technology are used to manage environmental impacts.  From a noise perspective, the heavy earthmoving equipment utilized at the mine has been fitted with sound suppression and is monitored utilizing a real time noise monitoring network.  This network allows the operation to continuously monitor offsite noise impacts of its operations and respond as required.  From a rehabilitation perspective, 115ha of land was rehabilitated in 2012, which comprised approximately 40% of the total land area rehabilitated at Glencore NSW mine sites during this period.  Annual reporting across all elements of environmental management and compliance is undertaken and is published on the Mt Owen Complex website.

Glendell also supports the local community through its Social Involvement Plan.  During 2013, this involvement plan has seen donations made to the Milbrodale School, Cancer Council Relay for Life, Mai Wel Group, Darlington Rural Fire Service and the Breast Cancer Council. 

Glendell Mine